Linda Discovers Toronto

This blog was started as a way to let my friend Linda know all of the places she needs to discover in Toronto. This is a way for me to see that someone is enjoying all my favorite places, since I no longer live there.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Concord Cafe - Close to Home

Hey Linda

Still haven't heard from you, but I am plunging ahead anyway.

This one is close to your new home and I haven't even been there. But I do keep up on my Toronto culture (the Blog-iverse is great thing). So here is the link to my tip off. Concord Cafe Review It sounds great and is not too far. I am going to keep adding things as I remember and find them.

Next Post- Baccus Roti and Designer Fabric Outlet


Blogger Lynda said...

Sheldon, I will try and get by the Concord when I am in town on Friday, October 20.

10/18/2006 12:10:00 PM  
Blogger Lynda said...

Sheldon, I arrived Toronto 6:00pm 10/19/06 and we were at the restaurant shortly after 7:00pm Thursday night! no photo, but the next time. and there will be a next time.

The new chef, Guillermo, is just creating the menu, so he came to the table to offer some ideas about what he could create that evening. (A new experince for me!)
We had a beautifly presented, delicious meal. The former owner, Alfredo, was there. The new owner, Genvieve, from Chile, was gracious and charming She has been in the neighbourhood 32 years and just last February decided to move out the billiard tables, and bring in great local jazz..and the move to a Chef! We got a tour of the place, too. There is a back room that could work for worshops and Cafe conversations. Seats over 120, great wall space and small 4 top tables!

A great find! Thanks for the lead.

By 4pm the next day, we were off again!

10/22/2006 10:46:00 PM  

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